Sunday, July 31, 2011

hasdas parent and teacher team-building reunion video

Greetings Parents, Teachers and supportive community. Below are video links fo our fun and exciting Parent and Teacher reunion. Let us know what you think as your comments and feedback are important to us. Stay tuned more blogs and videos displaying the power of Parent and Teacher involvement.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Power of Parent and Teacher Involvement

6/30/11 Hartford Area Seventh Day Adventist School (HASDAS) was the site of 1st annual Parent and Teacher team-building reunion/focus group.  The future success of our children is in the hands of the two most important persons in a childs life.....Parent and Teacher!

These wonderful Parents and Teachers are grouped together for success as they are breaking down barriers, increasing communication and building relationships that seldom exist between parents and teachers. Their involvement in team-building workshops has been the forum to their success. Fun, great food, and piloting of new curriculum activities further strengthened their committment to support the academic success of students.

Groupedtogetherforsuccess Parent and Teacher team-building workshops is the answer to increasing student success and reducing drop-outs in America. It combines simplicity, a field tested curriculum, sustainability, practical relevance to life issues and relationship development.

Thank you to the parents, teachers and staff of Hartford Area Seventh Day Adventist School.